Blood Pressure Monitoring

Hypertension, often referred to as high blood pressure, is a common condition suffered by many Australians.
High blood pressure is a serious health concern and if left untreated, it may lead to a major coronary event such as a heart attack or a stroke.

Unfortunately, most people experience no obvious symptoms of hypertension.
However, measuring your blood pressure regularly with a monitor can make it easier to detect changes that may call for a referral to your Doctor.

At Noranda Feelgood Pharmacy, one of our trained Pharmacists can check your blood pressure at any time.
Our knowledgeable Pharmacists can advise you on the significance of your blood pressure reading and answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
With your consent, we record each blood pressure reading on our purpose built computer software and we can create a print out of your readings to take away with you or to take to your doctor for review.

Currently, this service is free to patients that get their blood pressure medicines dispensed by us.
Just drop in and ask for one of our Pharmacists who will ask you to take a seat for 5 minutes to ensure an accurate reading can be taken.

Noranda Feelgood Pharmacy – Where you don’t need a prescription to see our Pharmacists.

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