Red and Dry eyes

Our eyes, the ‘window to the soul’, are one of the body’s most important assets. Maintaining good eye health should be a priority for all. During July, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) Eye Foundation runs its JulEYE campaign.

JulEYE aims to raise community awareness of eye health issues, as well as funds for research projects into the causes and cures of vision impairment and blindness. The campaign also supports international development projects whose goals are aligned with those of the Eye Foundation.

One of the most common eye problems are red and dry eyes. Redness and dryness are symptoms of many eye conditions. Some of these conditions are not serious, but others are serious and may affect eyesight.

A red eye can be a sign of eye inflammation. The most common cause of red eye(s) is conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis can be caused by allergy, irritation or infection. The treatment of eye redness depends on its cause and can include:

decongestant eye drops to reduce redness

antihistamine eye drops to relieve redness and itching

antibiotic eye drops to treat bacterial (not viral) conjunctivitis

Dry eyes can be caused by:

not producing enough tears

poor quality tears

tears not staying in the eyes long enough

a low blinking rate (e.g. when reading or using a computer).

Dry eyes can be treated by lubricating eye drops, gels and ointments as well as resting the eyes, avoiding bright light, an eye bath, or a warm or cool compress.

To prevent red eyes and dry eyes:

Wear wrap-around sunglasses when outside in bright light, windy, dry or allergy conditions.

Wear eye protection when swimming or working with machines and chemicals.

Try to find and avoid allergy triggers.

Do not rub your eyes.

Avoid blowing air in your eyes (e.g. hair dryers, fans, car heaters).

Blink more often to relieve dryness.

Take regular breaks when reading or using a computer.

Use good lighting.

Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection.

Limit alcohol.

Avoid smoke (e.g. cigarette smoke).

Our local pharmacy is your health destination. Doctors, pharmacists and optometrists can help find the cause of red eyes or dry eyes and advise on treatment. Our pharmacists can help you to select the right treatment for minor eye conditions like conjunctivitis and red eye. Some eye drops and ointments can be obtained from a pharmacy without a prescription. Our pharmacists will always refer you to a doctor if they feel a condition requires more attention.

Regular testing from birth encourages good eye health and helps to avoid permanent damage and vision loss. The RANZCO Eye Foundation encourages testing every two years. Ask relatives about your family's eye health history, and have your eyes tested, during JulEYE. Your local GP or optometrist can give you a referral to an ophthalmologist for testing. If you notice any changes in your vision, or have any concerns, you should see your doctor, ophthalmologist or optometrist immediately.

Up-to-date advice about eye conditions and treatments is also available from our pharmacy in our Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Self Care Fact Cards Glaucoma and Red and Dry Eyes.

Reproduced from PSA Health Column 1/7/15

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